The T400 series target drone recovery parachute includes a drogue, drogue pouch, drogue bridle, deployment bag, main lines, main canopy, delayed cutter, harness, disconnection adapter, parachute device, and other associated components.
The T200 industrial drone rescue parachute is an intelligent emergency recovery system designed for UAV weighing between 25 kg and 150 kg. It features a built-in high-precision sensor to continuously monitor flight conditions in real-time.
The T500 Series Cargo Airdrop System safely delivers cargo from the air to the ground without sustaining any damage. It is also a qualified cargo parachute for military worldwide, mainly used to drop supplies, equipment, and other materials from aircraft to the ground to support military operations.
The T300 Military Parachute System is specifically designed for paratroopers, offering exceptional maneuverability and control during tactical airborne operations. Known for its reliability and precision, the T300 ensures safe, efficient, and flexible deployment, even in the most challenging environments.
Emergency parachutes are specifically designed to provide pilots with safeand comfortable emergency solutions.
The Student Parachute features excellent comfort and security, with anadjustable harness system designed to accommodate individuals of all bodytypes. lt is suitable for students and beginners to use.
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